2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

131 Days Until Alltech World Equestrian Games

Chuck Zimmerman

Alltech SymposiumWe’re still counting down the days until the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games. 131 to go as of today. We may be counting down to the games but the annual Alltech International Animal Health and Nutrition Symposium is underway in Lexington, KY.

I’m getting ready to go to the opening International Dinner in just a few minutes and will have more to report later this evening. This opening dinner is a great start to making new friends and getting re-acquainted with old ones from around the world.

I’ll be covering this year’s Symposium primarily on AgWired. For additional information please visit the Alltech Symposium blog. You can also find it in Spanish.

The photo album has already been started and you can find it here: 2010 Alltech Symposium Photo Album
