2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Gadgets For Communications

Chuck Zimmerman

This summer I will be conducting several presentations for ag communications groups and the use of new technology (gadgets) will be a central theme. I’m looking for some feedback here on what you would most like to know on this subject. Feel free to leave comments or email me. I’m thinking of doing a series of posts on the subject too.

Questions I would like some feedback on include:

How important is technology to your job?
Does your company organization provide sufficient technology support? Do you have a gadget budget?
What type of gadgets are you most interested in learning more about: computers, netbooks, tablets, cameras, audio recorders, video recorders, software, methods of internet access, memory cards/readers, cloud services for web apps/data storage, hard drives, archive solutions. Feel free to mention specific brands or items.
How do you currently use gadgets in your job?
Do you need training? What method of training would be most useful?
What gadgets do you currently own and use in your job?
What gadgets do you want the most?

And speaking of gadgets. Here’s an ad for one of my most recent ones that I use a lot.

Equipment, Technology