2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Novus Tour Opens New Ideas, New Doors for Students

John Davis

Some students who have benefited from Novus International’s contribution to the Missouri Colleges Fund have had the chance to tour their benefactor’s suburban St. Louis facilities and the animal health company’s research farm.

Rachel Weber, a junior at William Woods University in Fulton, MO, majoring in biology with a concentration on equine science, says she was impressed with Novus’ environmentally friendly building … Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum level … and the company’s openness to a wide variety of backgrounds for their workers.

“A lot of people think you have to go pre-med, pre-vet or you have to stay in a laboratory doing boring research. I think this is opening a new door to a lot of scientists to see that we can be innovative in our research and that research is not boring and doing tedious paperwork.”

She hopes to take away some new ideas and apply some of those to her studies. Plus, it could be the kind of place where she could see herself working one day.

“I know they need a lot of specialized people and with a veterinary degree, maybe I could assist.”

You can hear more of what Rachel had to say in the player below.

2010 Novus International Science: A Foundation for Dynamic Careers Photo Album

Audio, Novus International