RFA Ethanol Podcast

Leading Chapter Leaders

Chuck Zimmerman

NAMA Chapter LeadersChapter leaders attending the NAMA convention get some special motivation and training. This year one of people doing the training was Luann Pisarik, J. L. Farmakis (left). I’m just guessing by all the road signs in the room that they were navigating road blocks to get to their destination.

Luann says they had a varied group and their goal was to provide a networking opportunity to discuss common challenges. The theme was to “look at the road signs.” She says “everyone drives” and they hope to help these leaders reach their goal. She says chapter membership and getting people to meetings is a common concern.

You can listen to my interview with Luann below.

2010 National Agri-Marketing Conference Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the 2010 National Agri-Marketing Conference
is sponsored by: Successful Farming. They know.

Audio, NAMA, Uncategorized