RFA Ethanol Podcast

Let’s Put More Corn In The Classroom

Chuck Zimmerman

Teaching children about where there food comes from is talked about a lot and the Missouri Corn Merchandising Council is doing something about it with their “Corn in the Classroom” program.

This educational program helps students reconnect with today’s farmers and better understand the source of their food, fiber and fuel.

“Informing students about Missouri’s corn industry allows them to explore an important sector of our economy,” said Kenny McNamar, MCMC chairman and farmer from Gorin, Mo. “More and more, we are seeing kids become detached from daily interaction with production agriculture. The ‘Corn in the Classroom’ educational materials are a way to help them reconnect.”

In addition to educating students on the importance of corn and its many products, “Corn in the Classroom” materials compliment information currently covered in Missouri classrooms. Included in Missouri Corn’s educational materials are three easy lesson plans which address third grade level requirements in science, math, social studies and health.

Lessons include the “Basics of Corn,” “Many Uses of Corn” and “Corn and the Environment.” Third grade teachers can also utilize a PowerPoint presentation to enhance the lesson plans, a “Make Your Own Corn Plastic” activity, “Corn Facts for Teachers” and a “Corn in the Classroom” activity book.

Ag Groups, Corn, Education