Chuck Zimmerman

Chad YagowOne of the events taking place in conjunction with AG CONNECT Expo is the Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference (AETC) conducted by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). The conference chairman is Chad Yagow, John Deere.

I spoke to Chad about the conference while a range of educational sessions are taking place this morning. I’ll be attending their luncheon later. Chad says the AETC brings together people in the ASABE membership involved with the power machinery industry. They have lots of professional development classes that range from hydraulic systems to moving biomass logistics. He says that ASABE and AEM have always worked together through their standards programs and that’s why they viewed the opportunity to locate their conference here as a way to grow closer organizationally. They plan to co-locate with AG CONNECT next year in Atlanta too.

AG CONNECT Expo Photo Album

You can listen to or download my interview with Chad below:
