RFA Ethanol Podcast


Chuck Zimmerman

farm-connectLet’s end the year with something new. FarmConnect.net. It’s a new social networking site created “by farmers for farmers.” The farmers are Mike and Laura Murphy who own a small family farm in South West Michigan and raise beef and lamb on pasture. The old saying goes, you should find a way to make your passion your work, and FarmConnect.net is just that. Mike previously taught E-Commerce at the Illinois Institute of Technology, so FarmConnect.net was the perfect way to combine his passions for farming and Web technology.

FarmConnect.net allows you the option of signing up for your own blog, creating your own groups and discussion forums (either public, private, or hidden) to help spread the word about agriculture to your families, friends, and communities.

If you use Twitter, you will love FarmConnect.net, because it gives you so much more room to say what you want to say than that little box!

Look forward to seeing you on FarmConnect.net

Social Networking