Debriefing On Morocco

Chuck Zimmerman

Corn MissionThe Morocco portion of the U.S Grains Council Corn Mission has concluded. The final step for the team was to sit down at our hotel and discuss the visits we’ve made and what we learned. We were asked to submit one observation and action step.

You can see our team here in deep discussion. I interviewed Joe Zenz, Wisconsin corn grower to get his thoughts. I’ll do this after each country visit.

Joe says that in general he sees some great potential in the Morocco market. He thinks producers still have a lot to learn about production and that the USGC has played a key role in providing educational resources so far. He says that corn quality is an issue that needs to be addressed when they get home. In the future he thinks there’s a lot of market potential with ddgs by setting up some trials to show producers how well it can perform for them.

Our team will be heading to Cairo, Egypt tomorrow so look for a lot more from this group of corn growers in coming days.

You can listen to my interview with Joe below.

USGC Corn Mission In Morocco Photo Album

Audio, USGC