2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Food Fight Underway

Cindy Zimmerman

beef food fightA FOOD FIGHT got underway today with dairy farmers and beef producers joining forces to fling facts in the face of food foes.

The main message is to Give Thanks for food and farmers as we prepare for the holiday season. Giving thanks can even get you a steak – actually, an Omaha Steaks Ideal Gift Collection of steaks and burgers valued at $135. Just leave a message of thanks for our farmers and ranchers here on the Pasture to Plate website. Producers can join the Beef Checkoff’s five-day FOOD FIGHT by visiting the FOOD FIGHT website.

beef food fightCattlemen’s Beef Board chairman Lucinda Williams, a dairy producer from Massachusetts, was at NAFB Trade Talk last week talking about why livestock producers need to be armed with the facts to defend themselves against critics. “There’s an awful lot of people trying to tell our story,” Lucinda says. “This is our time to get out and tell our story.”

She says they are encouraging producers to get out an tell that story on Facebook and Twitter and email, (as well as traditional methods like actual face to face communication!) and encouraging everyone to give thanks for the safe and abundant food supply we enjoy in this country.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Lucinda from NAFB here:

Audio, Beef, Dairy, Food, Livestock, NAFB