RFA Ethanol Podcast

Twitter DM Attack

Chuck Zimmerman

Twitter DM SpamSpammers, those who are lower than pond scum, are really hitting Twitter hard right now. I’ve received over 30 spam Direct Messages (DM’s) from people I follow this morning and I know my followers have received one from me. You can read an article on PC World about it. It’s a phishing attack to try to get you to click through to who knows what. If you get a DM that starts out with “this youz??” then just ignore it.

Apparently the only thing you can do is change your password (to a better one) in the hopes that will prevent it from happening to your account again. However, I did so this morning and when I tried to log back in I’m getting a message that I’m locked out. So I’ve got a Twitter support ticket going. We’ll see how long this takes. In the meantime I’ll just use our @AgWiredLive team account so please follow me there until we can get @AgriBlogger back in shape. Thanks.
