2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Talking Precision With International Visitors

Chuck Zimmerman

International Visitors to Farm Progress ShowSomeone mentioned to me the other day that because there are more farm shows being developed in other countries and due to the shape of our economy we probably will see fewer international visitors to shows here in the U.S. However, at this year’s Farm Progress Show I saw lots of them. While I was in the Ag Leader Technology exhibit (sponsor of our Precision Pays site) I spoke to a couple of our international visitors from Argentina, Matias Abadie and Axel Von Martini. They are standing in the photo. Axel does research and brought a group of 72 farmers to the U.S. and their tour ends here at the show. Matias works as an Ag Leader dealer in Argentina.
Both of them echo what we’re seeing here at home and that is growing adoption of precision technology and for many of the same reasons as their American counterparts (reduce input costs for example). In fact, they make a point that we’re living in a global market so farmers around the world are sharing similar challenges.

They also make it clear that information is much more accessible than it used to be and the internet has really helped with that. I’ll bet they visit Precision Pays!

You can listen to my interview with them below.

Farm Progress Show Photo Album

Audio, Farm Progress Show, International