2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Corn Growers Giving Away a Wii

Chuck Zimmerman

Chuck interviews Tricia Braid-TerryCorn growers nationwide are represented here at the Farm Progress Show by the Illinois Corn Growers Association. New ICGA representative Tricia Braid-Terry, former farm broadcaster, spoke with me today during our AgChat tweetup about all the things they’re doing in their tent.

To start with you can participate in a contest to Win a Wii. Lean more about that on their website. Tricia says they’re really focusing a lot of their information on carbon footprinting. In fact, you can follow some very large black footprints around their tent! They’re easy to find with 30+ foot high corn stalks and an E85 blimp hovering over the tent. They also help attendees with submitting comments to EPA about the RFS2.

She says that the National Corn Growers Association and Indiana Corn Growers are also participating in the exhibit. Indiana has their mobile biofuels unit on display.

You can listen to my interview with Tricia below:

Farm Progress Show Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the 2009 Farm Progress Show
is sponsored by: BASF and New Holland

Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show