2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Exclusive Sponsor of SoyRAP

Chuck Zimmerman

SoyRAPIt sounds like a certain kind of soy music but it isn’t. It’s actually great advice about soybean rust and aphids.

BASF is proud to announce its exclusive partnership with the American Soybean Association (ASA) and Doane Advisory Services to provide the Soybean Rust and Aphids Program (SoyRAP) Web site (www.soyrap.com). BASF, among several companies, had previously been a co-sponsor of the Web site for several years.

SoyRAP is the foremost Web site for advice about the prevention of Asian soybean rust and treatment of soybean aphids. It utilizes a nationwide network of crop consultants who monitor the progression of confirmed soybean rust outbreaks in the U.S., and it provides growers with fungicide and insecticide application recommendations based on regional analysis.

Agribusiness, BASF, Soybean