John Hewlett of the University of Wyoming teamed up with Jeffrey Tranel and
Rodney Sharp of Colorado State University to develop a series of CD- and
web-based courses to help producers manage different kinds of risk after
studying the demographics of small-scale farming operations in the states of
Arizona, Colorado and Wyoming. The men presented their work yesterday at the International Farm Management Congress at Illinois State University.
After describing current trends in agriculture that have shown more producers to be of older ages, with 86 percent of farm operators being over the age of 45, and citing the increased amount of producers who have continued their education beyond a high school diploma, Tranel emphasized the need for more resources to be available to farmers who want to continue their education. In addition, the agriculture industry has seen a tremendous growth in small agriculture operations. Risk management is an important part of this, as many producers want and need more education on this topic. Tranel encourages good risk taking which he defined as taking the right risks to maximize profits and reduce income variability in order to meet strategic goals.
Sharp introduced several programs that aid in risk management education.
The Ag Survivor Simulation Program helps producers to better understand
their own tolerances of risks. AGR Lite features courses that help farmers
with proper record keeping procedures that make tax preparations easier.
Proper record keeping also helps to enhance risk management. In light of
the research showing an increased population of aging farmers, the trio also
developed A Lasting Legacy. This program is for older producers who want to
make accommodations for their business operations, possessions, assets and
funeral arrangements before they die.
Hewlett concluded the discussion by reviewing a program, Getting on Track,
which helps smaller farmers to better handle their insurance policies, risk
management and record keeping. With an increased demand for risk management
education, Hewlett also cited several additional resources, including Ag
Help Wanted, a book that helps operators in managing Ag labor. Hewlett
recommended and to small
farmers who want to receive more education on risk management in addition to
the programs described in the presentation.