2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

National Hot Dog Day

Chuck Zimmerman

National Hot Dog DayI guess I missed it by a day but better late than never. July 21 is National Hot Dog Day and I hope you all had a chance to have yours.

I personally like them sliced and fried with eggs for breakfast as well as on a bun for lunch or dinner. If you want some tips on how to celebrate National Hot Dog Day then eHow has some great tips like:

Start your celebration with a hot dog breakfast. Try scrambling a few eggs with slices of hot dogs to enhance the taste. Top your eggs with grated cheese and a generous dab of ketchup.

The National Hot Dog & Sausage Council has all of the information you could possibly want including answers to your questions about hot dogs. Here’s what’s in them.

All hot dogs are cured and cooked sausages that consist of mainly pork, beef, chicken and turkey or a combination of meat and poultry. Meats used in hot dogs come from the muscle of the animal and looks much like what you buy in the grocer’s case. Other ingredients include water, curing agents and spices, such as garlic, salt, sugar, ground mustard, nutmeg, coriander and white pepper.
