It sounds like our agricultural marketing friends in Alberta are becoming more active. Thanks to Janet Kanters for an update. We’ll see her in Ft. Worth, TX very soon for the combined IFAJ/AMS meeting.
After several years, the Alberta CAMA Chapter hosted its first meeting in April at Olds College in Olds, Alta. Over 60 people attended the networking social and meeting where they learned more about CAMA and discussed an action plan for the newly revived Alberta Chapter. The guest speaker was Steve Warme, Woodruff Sweitzer Calgary, who provided insight on the latest tools and techniques being used for social media marketing, what is currently happening in the agricultural world online and how best to harness current and emerging tools.
Following this successful meeting, a smaller group of CAMA Alberta members held a ‘Rebuilding CAMA Alberta Workshop’ on June 15, with 15 eager ag marketers raring and willing to help get CAMA Alberta back up and running after several years of being MIA.
Much discussion took place around the configuration and number of board members required for the resurrected Chapter. And a new CAMA Alberta slogan was adopted: ‘Building Success in Agri-Marketing’.
Other discussion took place around the constitution, how the executive/board would function, and the cost of yearly membership. There was also general discussion around having a student chapter.
Finally, the group discussed how best to attract members to the organization, via PR/press, education, events and a blog. All ideas were felt to have a positive impact to raise the profile of the Alberta Chapter and drive membership sales.
A CAMA Alberta kick-off barbecue is being planned in the Calgary area for late August 2009. More details to follow as plans evolve.