2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Forget Taxing Food

Chuck Zimmerman

Americans Against Food TaxesI don’t know what you think about it but it sure seems to me like we’ve got a government that thinks that the answer to every problem in our society can be fixed with a new program and new taxes. I’m just wondering where in the world they think that money is going to come from.

Here’s the latest backlash I’ve seen. This one is in response to the idea that we should tax certain foods and beverages. I don’t see how anyone can believe we can solve things like obesity by taxes. I think the government is doing more than enough to provide good food and nutrition information to the public. Food companies are already providing plenty of information on which you can make an informed decision about what you eat. Isn’t there a point when people have to be responsible for their own decisions? If someone wants to drink a case of soda in two days isn’t it their responsibility to deal with the consequences?

I just found out about this organization called Americans Against Food Taxes. I’ve got a feeling we’re going to see a lot more of this type of activity. You can follow them on Twitter too.

Americans Against Food Taxes is a coalition of concerned citizens – responsible individuals, financially strapped families, small and large businesses in communities across the country – opposed to the Government’s proposed tax hike on food and beverages, including soda, juice drinks, and flavored milks. The coalition has twin primary aims: 1) To promote a healthy economy and healthy lifestyles by educating Americans about smart solutions that rely upon science, economic realities and common sense; and 2) To prevent the enactment of this regressive and discriminatory tax that will not teach our children how to have a healthy lifestyle, and will have no meaningful impact on child behavior or public health, but will have a negative impact on American families struggling in this economy.

I’m on board with this idea. Of course I guess we can’t expect common sense to be used by legislators anymore or can we?
