Although we have many people subscribing to the AgWired rss feed ( what happens if you don’t want all our news? Wouldn’t it be cool if you could just subscribe to the content you’re most interested in?
Well you can. Here’s how:
Let’s say you work for an advertising agency and would just like to subscribe to news we give the Agency category to. That’s easy to find using our drop down menu of Categories which you’ll find in the left sidebar. The Agency category is this:
So to make that into a news feed (rss) that your news reader of choice will recognize, just add the word feed to the end of the url. There you go. A custom rss feed of all our agency categorized news. The url now looks like this:
This works for any of our categories and we’ve got 177 to choose from! So perhaps you’d like to just subscribe to news posts for John Deere, just add the word “feed” to that category url and here’s the url you use to subscribe with:
Make sense? Easy isn’t it?
Let me add one more little item of trickery for you. Since you know we post so much audio and you may or may not want to listen to it on your computer how about if you create a podcast of our audio. Yes, you heard me right. Do the same thing I described above but use iTunes or some other podcatching software to subscribe. It will only search and pull from posts that have audio posted in them and by category or from our main rss feed, your choice. Try it. Then your iTunes will pull the audio into your computer and you can sync it to your iPod to listen to when and where you want.
Let me know if you have any problems. So for those of you who still aren’t using a news reader or subscribing to and listening to podcasts, here’s a few suggested links for you:
News Reader Software:
NewsGator – Has a web, PC, Mac and iPhone version and they all sync with each other. My favorite.
Internet Explorer – Yes your browser will do this for you. Here’s a How-To.
Firefox – Same goes for this browser.
Google Reader
Most email programs do this now to.
Podcast software:
iTunes – The best in my opinion and for either Mac or PC. Here’s a How-To.