Most of you probably don’t remember when radio got started or probably even when we moved from black and white to color tv. But if you were around then, it was a big deal. It was “all the buzz.” Technological advances in entertainment and communications are always interesting and can have profound impacts on how we receive information. Can you imagine today what it would be like if you had to wait until a traveler passed by before you found out what was happening out in the world? Now, we want and demand information instantly.
Recently I’ve had a couple of people ask me if “blogs and podcasts are still relevant.” I was kind of taken back at first since there are so many surveys and studies showing how these new communication platforms are growing. Then I realized that what we’ve been calling “new media” is really no longer new. Blogs and podcasts are now part of our normal everyday lives. They’re not a new thing. Here at ZimmComm they’ve been a key component of our business for over 4 years. I guess you might even say they’ve become mainstream.
So, when it comes to the question of “Do we have a blog? Should we start a podcast?” the answer is Of Course You Should! What better way is there than to communicate directly with your customers or members? I know Twitter is a current buzz platform but it is really just the marriage of texting and blogging and with the addition of links to audio or video, it also incorporates podcasting. So, just because you’re not seeing a lot of stories about the new technology called blogs or podcasts you shouldn’t assume that they’re not relevant to your communications efforts. How often do you read headlines about radio or tv? Maybe from the standpoint that we have a new HD gadget to watch or listen but not that there’s really anything “new” about them.
Coincidentally, there’s a great new article out from eMarketer today titled, “Making Blogs Your Business.” I’ll say, Amen to that. It’s an interview with Elisa Camahort Page, COO, BlogHer. She is asked about the potential to monetize a blog and says that there are two main ways to make money from your blog. First is with advertising and I think it is a valid method but the other one can be even more fruitful.
However, the other opportunity is to make money because of your blog, and there are way more people doing this. Their blog is their platform—it gets them attention. And from there they get freelance writing work and editorial opportunities. They get consulting gigs. They get speaking gigs and honoraria. They create a portfolio career.
Now how cool is that? You get to write about your passion and make money doing it while working for yourself. But this concept also applies to anyone who is working in marketing and communications. Your company or organizational blog is your platform to communicate and get attention from your customers or members. Are you still not getting this? If not, what is your concern? Why aren’t you?