RFA Ethanol Podcast

PETA Launches Wichita Ad Campaign After Tiller Shooting

Amanda Nolz

It’s certainly no surprise that PETA is once again gaining media attention for their upcoming ad campaign that will soon release hundreds of billboards in L.A. regarding the murder of abortion Dr. George Tiller’s. Trying to appeal to both sides of the fence, PETA has created these billboards to reach both the pro-life and pro-choice groups. What do you think about this media campaign? What kind of statement does it say about PETA as an organization, willing to monopolize on a murder to earn donations from supporters? How should agriculturalists respond to this kind of behavior?

47290185PETA plans to have billboards in the Wichita area that promote vegetarianism, prompted by abortion Dr. George Tiller’s murder. The group hopes that the billboards will help pro-life and pro-choice advocates find common ground in support for animal rights.

“People who are pro-choice shouldn’t choose cruelly produced foods, just as pro-life folks shouldn’t support deadly slaughterhouses,” says PETA Vice President Bruce Friedrich in a press release. “It’s time for everyone to reject violence and live up to their ideals–if you’re truly acting out of a desire to end suffering, start with what you put on your plate.”

The Wichita Eagle reports that PETA’s campaign manager Lindsay Rajt said while the billboards are not yet up, PETA has no plans to cancel the campaign.

To read the entire article, link here.
