send news release today

Billy Frey Wins Pork On A Fork Contest

Chuck Zimmerman

I see that our good friend Billy Frey, Alltech, has won the Faces of Agriculture Pork On A Fork Contest. You can see the entries with this link. Here’s the message from Trent:

The winner of the Pork on a Fork contest is Billy Frey of Lexington, KY. Congratulations, Billy. Your photo is great and really shows your appreciation for all that U.S. pork producers do to feed our great nation and provide for our food security. Billy and I will be spending time together touring the World Pork Expo in Des Moines next Wednesday.

Besides Billy’s picture which was posted earlier this week I really liked this one with the kids. One has a t-shirt that says “I Love My Pig” and the other one says “I Love Bacon Better” while he’s eating some bacon.

Pork On A Fork

You can also hear Trent Loos and Billy here. (mp3)
