RFA Ethanol Podcast

Novus International Helps Feed the World

Cindy Zimmerman

World Ag Forum Day Giovanni GasperoniNovus International is playing a major role in this year’s World Ag Congress because they are a company that is playing a major role in global food and agricultural production.

“Our mission as a company is to support sustainable, industrial animal agriculture,” says executive vice president of marketing and sales Giovanni Gasperoni. He notes that there is a great deal of discussion about “organic” farming under the concept of sustainability. “Organic is not for the mass. You’re not feeding 6.2 billion people by going organic. We need to make sure that the people who want to spend the money for organic are not imposing the rule for the rest of the world.”

John Davis interviewed Gio here at the World Ag Congress yesterday about Novus’ role in sustainability and making food more accessible and affordable for the world. “It’s not by promoting free range chicken or organic chicken,” Gio says. He also talks about some of Novus’ products, Alimet and Santoquin, two livestock feed additives that he says have helped to “change the world” for livestock producers and meat eaters. Santoquin is actually 50 years old and has the distinction of being the first feed additive approved by FDA.

You can listen to John’s interview with Gio here: waf-09-gasperoni.mp3

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AgWired coverage of the 2009 World Agricultural Forum World Congress is sponsored by:

Agribusiness, Food, Novus International