WEPC.com Offers Blog Tips

Amanda Nolz

744383034_255a3539eb One of the blogs that I visited daily, okay several times per day, is The Pioneer Woman. Blogger Ree Drummond was a college student going to school in Los Angeles, when she met and fell in love with an Oklahoma cattle rancher. She quickly ditched the black pumps, sushi and Starbucks for cowboy boots, horses and cattle manure when she married her authentic cowboy. Today, she blogs about the adventures of living and working on a cattle ranch, homeschooling her kids and maintaining a very successful blog that includes photos, great writing, recipes, tutorials and prizes. Maybe that’s why WEPC.com asked Ree to write her tips on their site for a successful blog. Here are Ree’s 8 tips…

1. Photos
2. Variety
3. Longterm, get your own Domain
4. Make it easy for visitors to comment
5. Steer clear of the F-bombs
6. Involve readers
7. Don’t try to be the end authority on any topic
8. Laugh. And make others laugh

To read the entire article, link here. In the meantime, I’m wondering what do YOU like about blogs? What makes you stop by and want to read more?
