RFA Ethanol Podcast

First Pork On A Fork Photos

Chuck Zimmerman

Pork on a ForkTrent Loos let me know via Twitter today that the first photos are in for his Faces of Agriculture “Pork On A Fork” contest where you’re encouraged to submit photos of family members, friends, customers, anyone, anywhere eating pork.. This is one from the Flickr set he’s got going to show the entries publicly.

Faces of Agriculture announces the launch “Pork on a Fork”, a contest aimed at raising awareness of the importance of pork to the American diet and economy.

Pork on a Fork“No matter how you refer to it, H1N1 influenza has unfairly devastated the livelihood of the American pork producer, and that puts at risk the health of the American public,” said Faces of Agriculture spokesperson Trent Loos.

As of May 1, American pork producers have lost $17.69 on each hog marketed. For the April 24 through May 1 period, total losses reached $7.2 million a day.

Photos received by May 26 will be judged, and the winner will receive an all-expense paid trip for two to the World Pork Expo in Des Moines, Iowa, June 3-5. All submitted entries will be available for viewing during the World Pork Expo and on FacesOfAg.com.

“It is time for every consumer that enjoys a good piece of locally produced pork to step to the plate and show their support for the commitment that America’s pork producers make everyday to feeding the world and protecting our health,” said Loos.

Send your entries to Trent directly.

Ag Groups, Food