RFA Ethanol Podcast

Virtual Conventions?

Chuck Zimmerman

Watt Online Animal Nutrition & Health ForumThe Watt Online Animal Nutrition & Health Forum is underway. In today’s economy it seems like a free show you don’t have to travel farther than your computer to attend makes a lot of sense.

Have you visited? If so, what are your thoughts about this concept? Should this model be looked at for more companies and farm groups? Could we do Commodity Classic online?

Think of it as an online event where nutritionists, veterinarians, animal production/husbandry managers, and technical consultants, as well as manufacturers and marketers of animal health products, feed ingredients and feed additives, can engage in real-time interaction via instant messaging, chats, e-mails or the exchange of electronic business cards by making use of any available local internet access. Far from the usual online experience, the virtual forum will provide true capabilities for interaction.

Animal Health, Media