2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farming For The Future

Chuck Zimmerman

Chuck and BetsyAlthough this is about my interview with Scott Mortimer, Successful Farming, I didn’t have a photo of him and Betsy Freese is better looking. I think Cindy took the photo when Betsy and I were creating Twitter accounts for AAEA and Ag Media Summit in our booth at the NAMA convention.

I asked Scott what’s new with Successful Farming and he says that it’s social media. He says that they’ve been in the social media business since 1995 when they started Agriculture.com. Today they’re excited about their Farmers For The Future.com website which is a social networking site for young and beginning farmers . To date they have over 1,300 registered young farmers and ranchers who have uploaded over 4,000 photos and videos. He says that at times now they start their presentation with advertising customers with what they’re doing online and that leads to a discussion of what they’re doing with the magazine.

You can listen to my interview with Scott here: nama-09-mortimer.mp3

NAMA Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the Agri-Marketing Conference is sponsored by:
Novus and Successful Farming.

Audio, NAMA, Social Networking