2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

My Lady’s Manor Steeplechase Race

Chuck Zimmerman

Drive Green My Lady's Manor SteeplechaseI saw my first steeplechase races live and exciting today in Monkton, MD thanks to the John Deere Drive Green Utility Tractor Show.

It was a wet and wild day at My Lady’s Manor Steeplechase races. Can you say “mud?” I left after the main race which you can see the winner of here. I got very lucky and was presented a pass to the owners and judges tower right over the finish line.

Drive Green My Lady's Manor SteeplechaseThe race was pretty exciting but I don’t have the winner’s name. If anyone knows they’re welcome to leave it in the comments.

Before the events got started I met and interviewed Turney McKnight, direct of the Manor races since 1978. He says this is the 99th running of the race. He says the race evolved from the horse and buggy days and was a real source of sport. The distance hasn’t changed and is still over 3 miles with 16 jumps. The crowd can be as many as 7,500.

It pretty much rained all day while I was at the races. Turney was one of the first people I met and we sat in his truck to talk. You can listen to my interview with Turney here: drive-green-monkton-mcknight.mp3

I also shot a video clip of the end of the My Lady’s Manor race. You might here my Nikon clicking because I was shooting stills at the same time. I don’t recommend that. But us professionals can handle it!

Post Update: I now have an online photo album with pictures from my day at the races: My Lady’s Manor Steeplechase Races

Audio, Horses, John Deere, Video