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Three Lessons for Renewables Communicators

Cindy Zimmerman

Communicating Renewables SummitFrom “Darling to Devil” in the blink of an eye – that’s what happened to the biofuels industry in the past year or so – but better communications on the part of the industry could have helped with the damage control and could still help repair some of the damage done. What’s more, the damage done to biofuels could also happen to other alternative energy products like wind, solar, geothermal, and hydrogen unless communicators implement three important lessons learned from the attack on biofuels. They will be presented by experts in the field at the upcoming Communicating Renewables Summit, April 21-23, 2009 in Minneapolis, MN.

1. Learn to create key messages that resonate with consumers – Suzanne Shelton, President and CEO of The Shelton Group,
 will tell you “What consumers really think about green.”

2. Unify with “one voice, one message” – Matt Williams, partner in The Martin Agency
, will discuss how to ‘green’ your brand from the core to create sustainability efforts that build your brand and differentiate you from your competition.

3. Prepare an Issue Management Plan in advance of attacks – “Crisis Communications vs. Issues Management” will be presented by Eileen Wixted, principal of Wixted, Pope, Nora and Thompson (WPNT).

Become a communications victor, not communications victim at the Communicating Renewables Summit. Register online by March 13th and receive $150 off the early-bird registration rate.

Energy, Media, Public Relations