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PCV Vaccine Studies

Cindy Zimmerman

There are a number of vaccines currently on the market for hog producers to control PCV2 and associated diseases. The question for producers is, which one is best for them, especially given today’s challenging market for the hog industry.

BIVI John WaddellSome of the vaccines are single dose, some require more than one injection – and most are designed for healthy pigs over the age of 3-4 weeks. A number of studies have been done on the vaccines available and what producers can expect when using them. Some of those studies were presented at the Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Swine Health Seminar in Dallas on Friday.

Dr. John Waddell with Sutton Veterinary Clinic in Sutton, NE presented his findings on the evaluation of Ingelvac Circoflex on growth performance of pigs in a subclinical PCVAD herd. “We found about a tenth of a day average daily gain in the finishing phase, which equates to about 8-10 pounds at finishing,” he said.

Listen to an interview with Dr. Waddell here: bivi-09-dallas-waddell.mp3

BIVI Paul YeskeDr. Paul Yeske with the Swine Vet Center in Minnesota talked about the effect of different PCV2 vaccine protocols on weaned pig performance to slaughter weight. “We learned that the vaccination for PCVAD is effective no matter which vaccine they use,” Yeske said. The main difference they found was that the single dose vaccines resulted in less treatments overall for the animals. “Certainly anytime we can reduce labor is helpful for producers.”

Listen to an interview with Dr. Yeske here: bivi-09-dallas-yeske.mp3

BIVI Joel NeremDr. Joel Nerem with Minnesota’s Pipestone Veterinary Clinic compared the efficacy of a couple of different vaccines on the market, and once again found very little significant difference between them. “What we found was that the one dose CircoFLEX at weaning was equivalent to the two-dose product we were on,” Dr. Nerem said. But a big difference they did find was in mortality, “The CircoFLEX was the only treatment that was statistically different from controls.”

Listen to an interview with Dr. Nerem here: bivi-09-dallas-nerem.mp3

Download the interviews here:
Dr. John Waddell
Dr. Paul Yeske
Dr. Joel Nerem

BIVI 09 Dallas Photo Album

Audio, Boehringer Ingelheim, Swine