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2009 CCA Institute In Kansas City

Chuck Zimmerman

Cooperatives Communicators Association InviteThe Cooperative Communicators Association will be meeting in Kansas City in June. You can download the program here (pdf).

Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA) is an organization of 350 professionals who communicate for cooperatives. Our organization is unique in both its mission and membership. We work toward helping members excel in communications – from writing, photography, and editing to video, layout, and design. Just as important, we emphasize ideas and strategies aimed at making communications more successful for cooperatives.

If you’re involved in co-op communications, you belong in CCA! Founded more than 55 years ago, CCA recognizes the differences in the markets co-ops serve and in the audiences we must reach. We understand cooperatives have a slightly different story to tell. And we appreciate the role communications plays in contributing to the success of the cooperative.

Ag Groups, Media