I will be graduating from South Dakota State University in May, and hopefully, I will be ranching with my parents and working as a freelance writer once I hit the “real world.” When I’m not outside helping with cattle chores, I hope to get a lot of writing and photography work done. As I embark on my career as an agricultural journalist, I have decided I need to invest in a few pieces of equipment. On my wish list (based solely on need, of course…) is a new laptop computer, an audio recorder, a wide angle lens for my Canon and video editing software.
What do you recommend? I’m a PC person, but I seriously think it’s time to make the jump to Mac. Do you have any advice for purchasing audio equipment, and where is the best place to go? What is your favorite camera lens? What programs and brands work best in your day-to-day projects? I want to simplify and streamline my work station, so I want to hear your thoughts.
Keep in mind that I’m a poor college student, so quality, price, availability, and effectiveness are all key components to my future purchases. I can’t wait to hear from all of you! Your advice is greatly appreciated!