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BASF Kixor is Cutting Edge

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF Kixor at ClassicAs BASF prepares to introduce its new Kixor™ herbicide this year, the media got a preview of the “Science Behind” this new product at the Commodity Classic on Wednesday.

Kixor is cutting-edge chemistry that basically kicks weed butt. It offers rapid burndown and residual control of more than 90 broadleaf weeds, including the toughest weeds that have become more tolerant of glyphosate, and has been shown to be safe on more than 30 crops, including corn, sorghum, soybeans, cereals, tree fruits and nuts.

BASF Kixor at ClassicRex Liebl, Global Herbicide Marketing for BASF says their goal was to create a new breed of protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase (PPO) inhibitor with high levels of weed control and crop selectivity.

You can listen an interview with Rex here: basf-kixor-rex.mp3

Download Rex’s interview here: Rex Liebl

BASF Kixor at ClassicBASF Technical Market Manager Dan Westberg oversaw more than 1,700 U.S. field trials for Kixor in 38 states. “Our results showed that Kixor provides fast, complete burndown of all major broadleaf weeds,” said Dan. He talked specifically about the results in both corn and soybeans.

Listen to Dan’s interview here: basf-kixor-dan.mp3

Download Dan’s interview here: Dan Westberg

See this previous post on Agwired from last year’s Kip Cullers field day for a video of Dan demonstrating the efficacy of Kixor.

Check out the BASF at Commodity Classic photo album here – only photos of BASF events at Classic!

AgWired coverage of the 2009 Commodity Classic
is sponsored by: BASF and New Holland

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Corn, Soybean