RFA Ethanol Podcast

Weed Sciences Going Web

Chuck Zimmerman

Weed Science Society of AmericaThe agriblogging highway runs to Orlando, FL next week and the Weed Science Society of America annual meeting. I’ll be speaking on the subject of “Agricultural Communications in a New Media World.” Here’s part of my program abstract:

What do today’s web savvy growers do when in need of information? Just like most anyone else they go online and search for it with services like Google. So how do you join the online conversation so your message gets through the clutter? One of the best ways is with frequently updated topical blogs and podcasts and participating in online social networks. The investment in creating your own blog or podcast is minimal other than your time. If you’re passionate about your subject and like to write or talk then let your inner voice out through new media tools.

Yes, we’ll be letting our inner voices out in the Sunshine State.

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