2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ft. Worth Stock Show & Rodeo President Bob Watt

Chuck Zimmerman

Bob WattThe President of the Ft. Worth Stock Show & Rodeo is Bob Watt. He also used to be the General Manager but that position is now being done by Brad Barnes who I hope to meet while I’m here.

I sat down with Bob in his office this morning to learn all about him and this big show. Bob has been connected with the show for over 40 years.

He says that total attendance is getting near the million mark and expects this year to be a record. Weather plays a big factor and it has been cooperating. The show runs for 24 days now which is over twice the original show in 1896. The show now has over 22,000 animals that will be exhibited. He says it’s the oldest livestock show of its kind in the country. Today is also going to be the biggest day of animals on site and the line of trucks/trailers has been backed up since before I got here this morning.

I think you’ll enjoy listening to Bob and you can do so here: fwss-09-watt.mp3

I’m here for the John Deere Drive Green Utility Tractor Show stop and am updating the show blog and of course there’s an event photo album.

Audio, Farm Shows, Livestock