2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

International Green Week Trade Show Opens

Chuck Zimmerman

IFAJ Berlin MeetingJanet Kanters has contributed another story from Green Week in Berlin. This one is on the huge food trade show. I’ve wandered around in it before and it really is a place where you can eat your way around the world in one location. The photo is courtesy of Janet too.

An astounding 1,600 exhibitors from 56 countries are presenting a unique trade fair and some fascinating shows dealing with every aspect of agriculture, the food industry and horticulture during International Green Week in Berlin, Germany, Jan. 16-25, 2009.

The world’s largest consumer show consists of a display area covering 115,000 square metres.

With 6,000 square metres, Russia is again staging the largest display by any foreign country on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds. This impressive presentation by the many regions of a country stretching from St. Petersburg to the far reaches of Siberia is given added importance by the first visit to the Green Week by the Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin.

The Green Week is expected to attract a total attendance of more than 400,000, including some 100,000 trade visitors.

During the10-day trade show, industry experts and professionals will be able to attend over 300 conferences, meetings and seminars. Some 150 leading national and international politicians are attending, along with their delegations.

In addition, approximately 5,000 members of the print, visual and sound media from 75 countries, including representatives of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists – which has 40 associate member countries – will be reporting on the events in Berlin.

This year marks the 83rd annual event.

Food, International