2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Beer Flavored Popcorn

Chuck Zimmerman

Pub CornCindy found a very corny story that is worth sharing.

With all the many flavors of gourmet popcorn out there, apparently no one perfected the pairing of two perennial party favorites until now.

A Kansas City college student named Cary Silverman has invented beer-flavored popcorn, according to a KMBC-TV story.

Pub Corn also comes in other alcohol flavors – like pina colada – but actually has no alcoholic content. After trying a variety of ways to flavor the snack – such as soaking the kernels in whiskey – the inventor finally partnered with a company that helped him develop a non-alcoholic alcohol flavoring.

There is a website for the product with a phone number to call for orders here at www.pub-corn.com.

Corn, Food