send news release today

EPIC Joins Growth Energy

Chuck Zimmerman

Growth EnergyThe Ethanol Promotion and Information Council (long time ZimmComm client) announced today that it is going to be joining Growth Energy. Actually the board is recommending the transition to its membership but I think it’s safe to say that the plan will be approved. Here’s an excerpt from a statement by EPIC Executive Director, Toni Nuernberg.

I am proud to announce that the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council (EPIC) Board of Directors will be recommending a transition plan to EPIC’s membership to join Growth Energy, a newly formed organization dedicated to the promise of agriculture and growing America’s economy through cleaner, greener energy. The mission of EPIC’s formation— growing ethanol awareness through public relations, marketing and promotions — will continue as a core platform of Growth Energy’s initiatives.

During the next few months, EPIC’s programs and staff will be transitioning into Growth Energy. We are excited to be part of this new organization with a broad vision for not only the success of America’s agriculture and biofuels industry, but will also work to ensure that on a worldwide basis, biofuels are developed in a sustainable manner.

We look forward to working with Growth Energy and wish the best for all of our EPIC friends!

Ag Groups, Energy, Ethanol