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Propane Powered Mowers

Chuck Zimmerman

Propane Powered MowersThe propane powered mowers shown at Sunbelt Ag Expo got a lot of attention from farmers and other attendees. On hand to show them off was Richard Carr, National Sales Manager, EnviroGard, a division of Onyx Environmental Solutions.

Richard says they manufacture their own line of mowers but also provide conversion kits for existing mowers. He says you’ll get better fuel economy and cleaner air when you use propane to mow.

EnviroGard’s “Low Polluting Lawn Mower” meets all current and future emission requirements by the Environmental Protection Agency. There is up to a 60% reduction in smog forming emissions and 80% reduction in toxic emissions compared with diesel and gasoline fuel.

Listen to my interview with Richard here: sunbelt-08-carr.mp3

Or you can download the interview with this link: Richard Carr Interview (mp3)

Sunbelt Ag Expo Photo Album

AgWired coverage of Sunbelt Ag Expo is sponsored by the Propane Education and Research Council.

Audio, Propane, Sunbelt Ag Expo, Video