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Picking Cotton at Sunbelt Ag Expo

Chuck Zimmerman

John Deere 7760 Cotton PickerI only got to go out in the field for the cotton picking demonstration at Sunbelt Ag Expo but it was great. The weather was beautiful and the cotton looked awesome. I’ve got a number of pictures in the photo album.

One of the main machines involved was the new John Deere 7760 Self Propelled Cotton Picker. This bad boy will be ready for sales next year but growers can call their local dealer to get an on-farm demonstration.

I liked the American flag touch. It was waving in the nice breeze we had all day.

There were also field demonstrations with corn, soybeans, hay and peanuts.

Sunbelt Ag Expo Photo Album

AgWired coverage of Sunbelt Ag Expo is sponsored by the Propane Education and Research Council.

Cotton, Equipment, John Deere, Sunbelt Ag Expo, Video