If you’d like to help out the NAFB Foundation then place your order for a tractor.
Joe Ertl has personally autographed each of the Massey Ferguson 1150 numbered 1/16 scale toy tractors for the NAFB. To make it a unique toy for the organization, Joe designed a replica of a tractor radio mounted to the fender.
There are only 200 of these tractors being produced and sold to benefit the NAFB Foundation. Numbers 6-200 will be available to the public for sale. Numbers 1-5 will be auctioned live during the Foundation Auction and Reception at the NAFB Convention on November 13, 2008.
Orders for 6-200 are being taken currently, but the tractors won’t be shipped until early December 2008.
Price is $80 plus shipping and handling. Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover accepted.