FINDERBINDER Agricultural Media Directory Ready

Chuck Zimmerman

Ag Finder BinderIt looks like the Finderbinder for ag media is about ready.

As of today, public relations executives and media buyers serving the agricultural media directory have a new tool for current, detailed information on local news media.

The FINDERBINDER® Agricultural Media Directory catalogs more than 1,500 agricultural newspapers, magazines, online publications, broadcast outlets in the United States.

“The FINDERBINDER® will be the most current, accurate and detailed reference of its kind,” said Cory Cart owner of Got Your Attention LLC, the public relations firm responsible for creating the directory.

FINDERBINDER® directories come in a compact 5.5 by 8.5-inch custom-designed 3-ring vinyl binder. This agricultural directory will feature a page dedicated to each major publication and radio and television station in United States. A Canadian edition is scheduled to be released in 2009.

“Today, nearly half of the world’s population is employed by agriculture, and the American farm population is now less than 2 percent of our national population. With so few left on the farm, it is more important than ever for the voice of agriculture to be heard,” said Cart, “my goal in publishing this directory is to help make the communications process more efficient.”

Each FINDERBINDER® Agricultural Media Directory will come with six updating newsletters. Frequently provided with these newsletters are new pages for the directory. These pro vide readers with information on new media or media which have had major changes. Each year the number of changes in the me dia will make past issues obsolete.

The listings include names of editors, advertising managers, media owners, addresses and phone numbers, circulation figures and open rates for print media, public service announcement data for radio and television stations, radio and television talk show and interview format programs, and much more.

“With the right information, people can avoid embarrassing misdirected phone calls to the media,” said Sandi Lomonaco, Director of Media Relations for Got Your Attention LLC. “Now they will know exactly who they should contact before picking up the phone or mailing a news release. Veteran public relations professionals know news releases not addressed to a specific editor often end up unopened in the trash and will enjoy knowing when a reporter leaves or is reassigned to a new beat.”

Publications, radio and television stations must direct a majority of their efforts toward an agricultural or rural audience to be included. Publications must produce two or more issues a year and newsletter format publications will not be included.
