- Farm Progress Companies announces its leading state and regional farm and ranch publications will deliver IRON Search used machine listing advertisements in a new and innovative format – via the newly re-designed IRONsearch.com Web site – which brings used equipment listings into an easy-to-find, used equipment print section included in Farm Progress publications. Within the sections, used equipment for sale is listed by manufacturer, equipment type and model number, making it simple for buyers to find equipment quickly.
- Monsanto has launched a multifaceted communications initiative. The effort builds on the company’s pledge to work with other businesses, citizen groups and governments on needed changes to meet growing food production demand while conserving key resources. The initiative includes the launch of a Web site and a print ad. This communication initiative reinforces Monsanto’s three-point commitment announced in June of this year.
- Now available — the new KINZE Cobalt planter display — a convenient full-color display system that monitors seed population and accuracy, controls the planter’s variable rate drive system using simple touch-screen manual controls and allows the operator to turn planter sections on and off, on the go, using a manual switchbox.