2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Reviewing Farm Science

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast-187 - Farm Science ReviewI think this year’s Farm Science Review has had the best weather of any farm show I’ve ever attended. Of course they had to go through some nail-biting times just prior to the show when the remnants of Hurricane Ike blew through. In this week’s show I talk with show manager, Chuck Gamble. He says he’s all about promoting agriculture. In fact, he received one of the new Honorary Farm Broadcaster awards from ABN Radio on the opening day.

One of the new things at the show this year is the re-naming of Chemical Ave. to Conservation Ave. He says this was done “to honor (farmers) who I call the ultimate conservationists.”

Chuck GambleAnother new feature of the show is a “wireless internet cloud.” Chuck says that they didn’t have cable out to the show site but this year they laid in fiber optic and put up over 50 small towers around the exhibit area. It’s fast, reliable and everywhere. So besides us media types, exhibitors now have a new resource.

I’d love to see other farm shows adopt this type of infrastructure at their permanent sites.

The program this week ends with music from the Podsafe Music Network. Since I just attended a swine health seminar you get to listen to “Rocket Science” from Brain Buckit. I hope you enjoy it and thank you for listening.

You can download and listen to the ZimmCast here: Listen To ZimmCastZimmCast 187 (15 min MP3)

Or listen to this week’s ZimmCast right now:Interview with Chuck Gamble - ZimmCast 187

The ZimmCast is the official weekly podcast of AgWired which you can subscribe to using the link in our sidebar. You can also subscribe in iTunes

AgWired coverage of the Farm Science Review is being sponsored by Monsanto and the Propane Research and Education Council.

Audio, Farm Science Review, Farm Shows, Internet, Propane, ZimmCast