2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Eat More Meat and Heat Things Up

Chuck Zimmerman

CIWF WackosI was wondering if there would be anything to post late on a Sunday and the animal rights activist wackos provided some fodder. Okay, to start with, there are still some people claiming something called global warming. Yeah, right. Tell that to all the farmers who haven’t received enough heat this year to grow a decent crop.

Now we’ve got this wacko and prize winner saying we should all eat less meat in the name of planetary welfare. I grilled a couple of pork tenderloins tonight and they were delicious. I’m hoping to enjoy more of the same in Europe during the next couple of weeks while Cindy and I are attending the IFAJ Congress too.

Dr Rajendra Pachauri, Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize is calling on individuals to cut their carbon footprints by transforming their diets at a lecture hosted by Compassion in World Farming lecture in London tomorrow (Monday 8 September 2008).

Current global animal production is responsible for 18 per cent of all human-induced GHG emissions, with more than 60 billion farm animals reared each year. That figure is set to double by 2050. The need to change our diet is increasingly urgent.

An average household would reduce the impact of their greenhouse gas emissions by more if they halved their meat consumption than if they halved their car usage.

“If we continue to consume meat and dairy at the current rate both animals and the planet will suffer. Factory farming is unsustainable and inhumane. The best thing people can do is eat less meat and dairy and eat only higher welfare – organic and free-range,” says Joyce D’Silva, Ambassador for Compassion in World Farming.

Oh, wahhh. Give me a break.
