Pro Farmer Midwest Crop Tour Concludes

Chuck Zimmerman

Pro Farmer Midwest Crop TourThe Pro Farmer Midwest Crop Tour is concluding today. One of the sponsors is Pioneer Hi-Bred. Pioneer agronomist, Will Smart, has been on the Eastern leg of the tour and filed this report on Tuesday near Bloomington, IL.

Corn observations include:

* Early to late planted corn which started in mid-April and finished in mid-June.
* Kernel abortion is evident in early crop due to high populations and due to later-than-normal pollination.
* The late crop is characterized by higher common rust pressure and some brittle snap.
* The early crop is mostly between dough to dent and the late crop is in blister stage.

We’ll monitor stalk quality as this crop experiences late-season stress from dry weather and nitrogen deficiency.

Soybeans are late pod to early fill. Some minor diseases were observed such as sudden death syndrome. Weather conditions could favor SDS advancement.

You can listen to his report using this link (mp3).

Midwest Crop Tour’s primary goal is to provide the industry with accurate late-season information about likely corn and soybean yields during the upcoming harvest season at the state and regional level.

Results from the Tour obviously have a big impact on Pro Farmer’s annual crop production estimate released at week’s end. But observations gathered during Tour can be just as important as the data itself – especially in a year like 2008 when the crop’s development is anything but normal.

Agribusiness, Audio, Media, Pioneer