2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Cool Interactive New Media

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast-183 - Cool Interactive New MediaI’m seeing new media presentations on more and more programs these days and last week’s NAMA Boot Camp was no exception. Erin Holt, Media Supervisor, Martin Williams, was on the program with a presentation titled, “Cool Interactive Ideas.” So I sat down with her to learn about her ideas when it comes to using new media for her clients.

Erin talked about new media, including blogging, podcasting, social networking, widgets and video. Her theme was “being in surprising places” and “talking to your customers in a new way that’s going to be memorable for them.” Words like Twitter are dear to her heart.

Erin HolteI asked her for an example of how they’ve used new media for a client and she used Pfizer Animal Health, equine division. The agency developed a desktop widget for customers called the “Frame Your Horse” widget. This was for a fly control product with parameters tied to weather and location. So those information pieces were incorporated into the widget since they’re items people want on a regular basis. Essentially, the customer can download the widget, customize it with a picture of their horse and get information they want that is mixed with a product message. They’ve had about 4,000 downloads in just over 2 months.

Getting demographic data on users is a challenge with new media. Erin says they were able to collect some data and that they view this campaign as a test case. She recommends doing some up front testing with the target group to help build confidence in the campaign direction and specific new media tool.

I asked her about client acceptance of new media and she says it’s all over the board. Some clients base judgments on their own personal media use so she says it’s the job of the agency to educate them and show the value of new communication technologies. I like her way of handling the fact that new media mechanisms usually reach fewer people than traditional media. She says the numbers are smaller but the composition is higher. You’re, “talking to fewer people, but the right people.” The number one question she gets from clients is are they getting value for their investment.

The program this week ends with music from the Podsafe Music Network. Since I just attended a swine health seminar you get to listen to “Pearls and Swine” from Drunken Prayer. I hope you enjoy it and thank you for listening.

You can download and listen to the ZimmCast here: Listen To ZimmCastZimmCast 183 (14 min MP3)

Or listen to this week’s ZimmCast right now:Interview with Erin Holte - ZimmCast 183

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Agencies, Audio, NAMA, ZimmCast