2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Successful Farming Expands

Chuck Zimmerman

Successful FarmingSuccessful Farming sure has a lot of news today. Basically, they’re expanding on their 360 Degree Media concept. It’s what the agrimarketing community wants. Their expansion includes a new Successful Farming Video Solutions® unit, a new Chicago Markets Bureau, and expanded machinery coverage. Here’s what’s new:

Increase in Multimedia Services – SF Video Solutions

John Walter is named Executive Editor for Successful Farming and Agriculture Online. In addition to managing the editorial business for these brands, he will oversee SF Video Solutions and the Successful Farming Machinery Show.

Jason Meeker has been appointed Multimedia Producer, and will manage Successful Farming Video Solutions to expand video on Agriculture Online as well as direct the Successful Farming Machinery Show . In addition, a new multimedia content producer will be hired to support the capacity of services to the video solutions unit.

Jeff Caldwell is named Multimedia Editor. Jeff will be responsible for the 3600 content delivery for the Successful Farming brand, ensuring all content reaches full multimedia potential. Jeff will continue to cover news and features for Agriculture Online and will also work with all Successful Farming content specialists to support delivery of Successful Farming content to all channels.

Chicago Markets Bureau

Mike McGinnis is named Markets Bureau Chief for the newly formed Successful Farming Chicago Bureau. Successful Farming has established a desk on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade, and Mike will lead daily markets coverage and provide special reports for Agriculture Online and Successful Farming.

Expanded Machinery Coverage

Dave Mowitz is named Machinery Director, and will supervise an expanded multimedia machinery department for Successful Farming. This includes his role as editorial director and host of the Successful Farming Machinery Show and content expert for the magazine, books, Agriculture Online and new products. Within the expanded machinery department, Laurie Potter assumes the new role of Deputy Machinery Editor to further expand the Successful Farming machinery and technology content for the magazine, new products introductions, the Successful Farming Machinery Show and new video segments on Agriculture Online. A new machinery content position has been created to further expand the coverage of this category.

Congratulations Extended to Gene Johnston

Successful Farming also recognizes Gene Johnston, who will be retiring on August 31. Gene began his career at Successful Farming in March 1976 as the Associate Swine Editor, and has served as President of the board of the American Agricultural Editors Association and of Farm Safety 4 Just Kids.
