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Cattlemen’s Beef Board Down To Business

Chuck Zimmerman

CBB Admin SubcommitteeThe Cattlemen’s Beef Board Administration Subcommittee got things started here at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference in Denver today. I spoke with CBB Chairman, Dave Bateman, about what we can expect to see happen during this meeting.

Dave says that producers come together here at the summer meeting to do the work of the industry.

He says that the committee structure of the CBB is part of the groundwork of what happens here and that part of the process is to get the most bang for the buck while increasing beef demand.

One of the exciting topics they’ll be talking about is international markets. Dave says that the current value of the dollar, coupled with some real opportunities, makes for some interesting challenges. He says that attendance is expected to be slightly higher this year.

I’m sure we’ll be hearing a lot more about this, but Dave also mentions the process that has been started here for recommending improvements to the Beef Checkoff Program.

You can listen to my interview with Dave here: cisc-08-bateman-1.mp3

You’ll find more posts on the CBB’s Beef Board Meeting website.

Feel free to check out and use photos from my Cattle Industry Summer Conference Photo Album

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference