RFA Ethanol Podcast

Research Needed For Ethanol Company Success

Chuck Zimmerman

Peggy CaswellWhat we know and what we need to know was Peggy Caswell’s, USDA-ERS, topic here at the Farm Foundation Transition To A Bio Economy conference. She says we need to know things about how farmers or the providers of biofuels and feed stocks are going to have to change the way they do business. She used the example of having to look at different types of contracts and financing.

She said that ethanol companies are going to need a consistent and reliable source of product and that farming by nature is very variable. So farmers will be taking big risks and that’s why contracting will be necessary. She also calls for a lot more research, something we heard earlier in the program from other speakers.

You can listen to my interview with Peggy here: ff-bio-08-caswell.mp3

You can also download the interview using this link (mp3).

Transition To A Bio Economy Photo Album

Ag Groups, Audio, Farm Foundation, USDA