2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

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Melissa Sandfort

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  • New Mustang Max EW insecticide from FMC Corporation is the answer for effective, economical control of key insects in tree, fruit and vegetable crops. Mustang Max EW is a cost-effective solution for controlling multiple pests, providing excellent knockdown of key insects and maintaining that control for higher yields and increased profit potential for growers.
  • Dow AgroSciences LLC announced it has submitted SmartStax™, a new insect-protection and weed control stacked trait combination in corn, to the U.S. EPA for regulatory review. SmartStax is the industry’s first-ever eight gene stack combination in corn that will feature multiple modes of action to control both above and below ground insects as well as herbicide tolerance.
  • The members of Cooperatives Working Together (CWT) voted to continue the historic dairy farmer self-help program through 2009. In a unanimous vote, the committee overseeing the management of CWT endorsed a continuation of the program – at the present membership assessment level of 10 cents per hundredweight – through calendar year 2009.
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